The God of peace be with you today.

There are some new Kindle deals today. Because some deals are short-lived, it’s best to check in around 7 AM EST most days. That gives you your best chance of catching them all.

(Yesterday on the blog: When God Doesn’t Give His Beloved Sleep)

Monk or Missionary: These Are the Only Options Now

“Everyone I know who has deleted their social media has seen their life dramatically improve within three to six months (or, as a friend of mine corrected me, ‘Try three to six days.’). Once they get through the detox period, the cravings for dopamine subside, and the phantom buzzes vanish, people consistently find that their anxiety lessens, their mental capacity increases, their relationships strengthen, and their overall quality of life is better.” I’m not surprised, to be honest.

When Love Wanes, the Marriage Covenant Remains

John Piper: “We would be naive, I think, to suppose that people — young or old, our own children or those of others — will act on the basis of reason and biblical truth when it comes to justifying divorce. I would guess that

To the full-length post originally published on this site.