Logos has the amazing NICOT and NICNT series at 40% off at the moment.

I still think the Circle device is a near-essential part of a family’s plan to protect their kids online. You can now get $40 off with the coupon code CIRCLE40.

Black Friday is coming up and, as is my custom, I’ll have an article that day highlighting the best of the deals for Christians. Stay tuned on Friday!

Can We Give Thanks for Flawed Heroes?

Kevin DeYoung: “Christians need heroes. Yes, I know, Jesus is the ultimate hero. He is the only flawless hero, the only substitute-for-our-sins hero, the only dying and rising hero. But that doesn’t mean Jesus is the only kind of hero.”

Why Are Pro-Choicers Bothered by Images of Aborted Clumps of Cells?

You can’t have it both ways! “One thing that convinces me that the pro-life position is true is, interestingly enough, the behavior of pro-choicers. Obviously, pro-lifers believe that abortion takes the lives of ‘precious unborn human persons.’ But ironically, the behavior of pro-choicers also reveals that, deep down, they also believe abortion takes the lives of innocent human persons.”

Living Machine (Video)

You’ll enjoy watching this short video that

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.