Logos users may be interested to know that my “Challies Recommends” commentary bundle is on sale this week. You should be able to find it right here.

Today’s Kindle deals include Alistair Begg’s excellent Brave by Faith along with David Mathis’ Rich Wounds and a few other good picks.

(Yesterday on the blog: When Should You Stop Praying?)

Every Good Parent Will Have Regrets: Advice to My 30-Year-Old Self

Dave Harvey offers some parenting advice to his younger self—advice that may be helpful to you if you’re still in that stage of life.

Outrage Is Not a Fruit of the Spirit

Randy Alcorn: “We desperately need the Lord to do a transforming work in all of our hearts and lives. For God’s glory, our good, and the good of a desperate world that needs to know Jesus, let’s stop relentlessly sniping at each other and become in actual thought and practice what He went to the cross to make us—His pure and spotless bride.”

In the Father’s Arms

I really enjoyed reading this reflection from Sylvia. “His little fingers caressed the nape of daddy’s neck. While a deep voice

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.