Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends and family! You go ahead and enjoy the day and in the meantime I’ll be putting together a long list of Black Friday deals. Check in tomorrow to see what I dig up!

Today’s Kindle deals include a long selection of books, many of them by John MacArthur for whatever reason.

(Yesterday on the blog: A Visual Theology Advent Reading Calendar For Your Family)

Thanksgiving Quantified

Here are many quantified reasons you ought to give thanks today.

Christ, Our Thanks-Giver

And here is one more that seems especially appropriate for Americans as they dedicate a day to gratitude.

What is a Reformed Deist? (Video)

Ligon Duncan describes a so-called Reformed Deist. While no one would claim to be such a thing, quite a lot of people fit the description.

Fragments of Otherwise Unknown Gospels

This is really interesting: “Here are translations of four fragmentary texts which are not unorthodox (at least as far as one can tell from the surviving text) and which might even represent accounts that can be traced to genuine incidents in the life of Jesus…”

Wayne Grudem Changes Mind About Divorce in Cases of Abuse

It is

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.