If you want to fasten a shelf to the wall, then screws and a drill will seem practical. But if you want to cut an opening in that wall and install a window, then not so much. You’re going to need a different set of tools for that. Our goal determines which tools we need.

The same is true for our churches and their “vision.” Part of their vision should include multiplying churches. And that should impact their decisions about the tools they use, such as adding multiple services, plant churches, or something else.

A Vision Problem

If a church does not have a vision to multiply churches, then however “biblical” their vision may be, it is deeply broken from the start. The entire New Testament is the story of Christ coming to earth, conquering sin, gathering his disciples, and sending them out to preach the gospel and build up churches in all the world.

In the Gospel of Matthew, he promises to build his church (Matt. 16:18). In the book of Acts, everywhere the apostles go to preach the gospel and make disciples, a church is formed as a result (Acts

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.