I apologize to anyone who received yesterday’s email multiple times. The newsletter service I use experienced a glitch. I believe it has now been resolved and shouldn’t happen again, but if it does, please bear with me.

Today’s Kindle deals include some excellent picks like Dream Small by Seth Lewis and The Future of Everything by William Boekestein.

(Yesterday on the blog: Unexpected, Unwanted, and Unwelcome)

Book Brief: My Only Comfort is a slight but effective reimagining of the Heidelberg Catechism. In place of the standard Q&A presentation, it offers the content formatted much like The Valley of Vision. It makes an ideal devotional supplement.

How One Family Navigated Smartphones and Social Media in the Teen Years

No one has this issue completely solved, but some have at least taken good steps. Here’s how one family navigated the smartphone and social media issues as well as they knew how.

Maybe You Don’t Need a Therapist

This is worth reading and considering. “I’ve found that for a growing number of people there is an assumption that to be a human is to need therapy. We’re all maladjusted, and

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.