The God of love and peace be with you, my friends.

Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of excellent and relatively recent choices that I highly recommend: Kathleen Nielson’s Making Good Return and Scott Mehl’s Redeeming Sex in Marriage (which I think is the best book I’ve read on the subject). You’ll also find a book about winning the battle against lust. On the general market side, Malcolm Gladwell’s Blink is a fun read.

(Yesterday on the blog: Grief Can Be So Lonely)


“Grumbling’s evil Siamese twin is discontentment. Refusing to recognise the providence of God, that He is sovereignly in control of my life and that the circumstances I face are not random fate will lead to discontentment. Discontentment inevitably leads to grumbling and vice versa, they go hand in hand but they are also contagious.”

Life’s Little Day

I appreciate Esther’s reflection on life’s little day. “Summer reminds me how time moves at a breathtaking clip, how major decisions are fast approaching, how my lifespan is so temporary. How did the semester pass so quickly? Is it rest or idleness to not be doing anything ‘productive’? How

To the full-length post originally published on this site.