There have been some amazing Kindle deals over the past couple of days, so if you weren’t around over the weekend, be sure to scroll down to September 1 and 2. As for today, we’ve got the entire “Blessings of the Faith” series along with several other interesting titles. On the general market side, Malcolm Gladwell’s David and Goliath is a fun and interesting read—just one of many there.

(Yesterday on the blog: I Know It Broke Her Heart)

Why Old Men Plant Trees

Jacob explains why it’s a bad thing when old men stop planting trees. Or as his dad says, “When old men stop planting trees that they’ll never sit under, we’ve got a real problem.”

When Resilience and Grit Aren’t Enough

Rebekah Matt: “Statistically, my life ought to be a serious mess right about now.” Yet by the grace of God it isn’t.

How to Ask a Girl Out

“If you are rolling your eyes about whether or not we even need this article, you may be losing touch with the current cultural climate and the effects of the internet-age.” I quite agree.

URL vs. IRL Ministry

To the full-length post originally published on this site.