I am aware that the categories of introvert and extrovert are not described or even hinted at within the pages of the Bible. My understanding is that the terms arose from the mind of Carl Jung and were popularized through his teachings—teachings that oppose Scripture in a host of ways.

Yet there is still something to the idea of introversion and extroversion—that some people are more naturally outgoing and talkative while others are more naturally inward and reserved. This simply describes what we have all observed, that some are more affable than others and that while some are refreshed and energized by being with people, others are refreshed and energized by being apart from people. Through some combination of nature and nurture, that’s just how we are.

Personally, I fall well within the ranks of the introverts. I genuinely love people and enjoy being around them. However, being surrounded by others and immersed in conversation eventually begins to drain me and I find refreshment in solitude. That may be as simple as ducking out of an activity for five minutes to do a bit of an internal reset or it may be

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.