Good morning from Padua, Italy. I am here to speak at a conference and to preach at a church. I look forward to meeting some of you over the weekend.

Today’s Kindle deals include a whole big selection of good books. There is a timely one for students, one for married couples, and a couple to help you study the Bible.

I know many women have benefited from Keri Folmar’s “Delighting in the Word Bible” studies. I thought you’d like to know there is a new one (in a great new look and format) on the book of Romans.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Dutiful Introvert)

Religious Movies Are Sweeping Hollywood. Rich Investors Are Pouring In Millions.

This is an interesting one from the Wall Street Journal. I think you should be able to read it for free. “In a rock quarry south of Athens, more than 100 actors dressed as soldiers in an ancient army are waiting for the order to charge. Blowing dust mixes with white plumes from artificial smoke machines. Thirty horses shift under their riders armed with prop swords and shields. Facing them is another small

To the full-length post originally published on this site.