The Life-Long, Chronic Suffering of Jesus 

When we think of Christ as the “man of sorrows” (Isaiah 53:3), we often think primarily of Christ’s suffering on the cross. Of course, the four Gospels do consistently depict Christ’s Passion Week of suffering, crucifixion, and death on our behalf.

However, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John also constantly depict Christ’s life of suffering. I just completed a lengthy, focused study of Christ’s suffering in the four Gospels. I have well over 100 pages of single-spaced type notes. I have collated 257 Gospel passages (not just verses, but passages) about Jesus’s suffering. And most of that suffering was before the last week of Christ’s life. The conclusion of the matter:

The Gospels highlight the life-long, chronic suffering of Jesus.

Matthew includes 67 passages about Jesus’s chronic suffering; Mark contains 54 passages; Luke highlights 62 passages; and John depicts 74 accounts of Jesus’s suffering—257 Gospel passages.

What Isaiah 53:3 prophesied, the Gospels picture:

Jesus: Man of Sorrows and Suffering; Acquainted with Grief and Pain.

What Does God’s Word Say? 

Don’t just take my word for it. Take God’s Word for it.

Go here (coming soon) to download a document that collates 257 Gospel passages about

To the full-length post originally published on this site.