My book Pilgrim Prayers releases today! If you haven’t yet bought it, would you at least consider it? Learn more here.

We were spoiled with a massive batch of Kindle deals yesterday and I’m glad to report that it has happened again today. We’ve got several excellent titles on prayer and preaching along with a couple by John MacArthur.

(Yesterday on the blog: Past Them, Through Them, Over Them, Around Them)

Why We Worry When Choosing a Bible Translation

This is a much-needed article on the fear so many people feel when they choose a Bible translation. “By far the most common question I get asked about Bible translation is What’s the best one? What I’ve noticed is that, very often, the question comes with a hint of worry—worry that, depending on my answer, the person may discover they’ve been using a second-best translation. And when it’s God’s word we’re reading, no one wants to settle for second best! The anxiety is understandable.”

Why Christian Parents Should Resist School-Issued Screens

This is an important one for parents. “As a pastor, parent, and taxpaying citizen, I want Christians to recognize what’s happening in

To the full-length post originally published on this site.