Good morning from central Austria. I am resting today and looking forward to speaking nearby on both Saturday and Sunday.

Westminster Books is having a sale on What Do I Say When…? which I reviewed a couple of weeks ago and highly recommend for parents.

Today’s Kindle deals include a recent biography on John Newton, a resource to help you better understand Catholicism, Al Mohler’s examination of the Apostle’s Creed, and more. You’ll find a few interesting general market deals as well.

Will God Forgive My Worst Sin?

Of all the questions John Piper receives, the most common seem to be related to grave and serious sins. Here he offers wisdom and comfort to someone who committed a terrible sin and now lives in fear and dread.

Seeing Dignity Instead of Misery Among the Poor

Amy Straub has an important article here. “I used to assume that life must be joyless for those without all the material comforts that were commonplace to me. When I considered people who had only the clothes on their backs and just enough food for each day, my first and strongest reaction was pity. I

To the full-length post originally published on this site.