Good morning from Austria! I very much enjoyed last weekend’s events in Schladming and am now taking a couple of rest days before heading to Romania for the final conference of this journey.

Among today’s many Kindle deals are some new titles I have read, enjoyed, and recommended like T. David Gordon’s Choose Better. There’s also a book on theological method, a biographical graphic novel, and much more.

(Yesterday on the blog: Did the Angels Laugh?)

Who’s Afraid of Romans 1?

Andy Hood has a fascinating article about Romans 1 and worldview. “The task of Christian discipleship is not to adopt a Christian worldview by putting on a particular pair of glasses but to take off our glasses and see the world as it truly is. Christianity is not a particular way of looking at the world but the truth about reality, a truth that is knowable by all.”

You Can Only Be What You Can See

T. M. Suffield takes issue with the popular idea that you can only be what you can see—that kind of intersectional thinking that says you can really only learn from people who

To the full-length post originally published on this site.