I do not often run guest articles on this site. But every now and again I do make an exception—usually for my friend Paul Carter. In this case, he is going to suggest a great way to turn a retired Bible into a precious family heirloom. What follows is from Paul…
If you are a Bible reader, a note taker and a highlighter then you have probably asked the question at some point in your life: what do I do with my retired Bible?
I first encountered this dilemma back in 2010. I had a couple of Bibles that I was using simultaneously and they were both nearing the end of their term of service. I didn’t want to throw them out but I wasn’t sure what future use there might be for such things. Who wants to read another person’s Bible?
And then it occurred to me that perhaps my children might one day be very interested, and perhaps even helped by reading through my various thoughts, praises and observations. The two Bibles I had already filled were not the best candidates for the particular project that I now had in mind. For one thing, the
To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.