Yesterday morning my father sent a quick email to ask if he could call me later that evening—he wanted to hear about my experiences in Africa, I’m sure. Yesterday afternoon my sister made a tearful phone call to say that she had found him unconscious and unresponsive. There was nothing she or the paramedics could do—he had very suddenly and unexpectedly gone to be with the Lord.

This has come as a terrible shock to the entire family—my mother, the five kids and their spouses, and the sixteen grandkids. There was no warning and no preparation—just the sudden, jarring news that he is gone.

We take comfort—the truest, deepest kind of comfort—in knowing that he is with the Savior he met so long ago and faithfully followed for so many years. We miss him already, but know the grief of parting will soon enough be replaced by the joy of reunion. I am on my way down to the Chattanooga area to spend time with my family and would, of course, appreciate your prayers in this time.

(For those who knew him, please stay tuned or get in touch with a family member to learn about funeral arrangements.)

To the full-length post originally published on this site.