What would you say if your little boy asked you, “Daddy, what does it mean to be a man?” or if your little girl asked, “Mommy, what does it mean to be a woman?”

Hopefully we would have something more to say than “you’re a boy so you can be a pastor” or, much worse, “well, nothing; it’s whatever you want it to be.”

Yet how do we answer that question? We start by affirming that both male or female are made in God’s image and are meant to show what God is like in the world. We should also affirm that that Christ is Lord and that both male and female should believe the gospel and grow in communion with God. Both were made for union with Christ. Those are the two core principles for manhood and womanhood.

Beyond that, however, I would want my children to know the following five ways men and women are different according to God’s good design:

A – Appearance

B – Body

C – Character

D – Demeanor

E – Eager Posture

Though we can label these differences A, B, C, D, and E, at the risk of being confusing, let’s consider each

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.