“Sometimes worship comes by way of weeping in the pew. When the broken enter the sanctuary of God on Sunday mornings, they do so, perhaps, with every fiber of their being tempting them to withdrawal. They drag their grief, depression, and sorrow behind them like a ball and chain, plodding along to their seats with the hope of going unnoticed in the crowd; that they manage to make it to church after peeling themselves out of bed is a grace manifested through gutsy volition.” So writes Christine Chappell in an excellent article posted at Servants of Grace.

For decades, I’ve been arguing that what the church needs is to view counseling as the one-another ministry of loving discipleship. We need to come alongside one another not merely to admonish each other toward fuller obedience, but also to comfort one another in times of deep sorrow. Perhaps nothing is more painful than walking through dark valleys alone, while others minimize the impact of pain and suffering upon our souls either actively, by repeated admonitions to “buck up,” or through passive silence. What the church needs is to be the church!

Likewise, the author of this article affirms the same:

When the

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.