What can we teach our kids about complementarianism?

Teach them the truth. Teach them that through a series of divine commands, God—the Master Artist—created everything seen and unseen. He made light out of darkness. He made the earth and sky, the sun and the moon, the land and the sea, the plants and animals, and he made us, humans—male and female. Everything was beautiful and everything was perfectly complementary. Harmony and peace filled creation and God’s shalom graced all that he had made. God smiled over his creation and called what he created “very good.”

Teach them that to biblically understand their identity, it’s necessary to view maleness and femaleness first as expressions of the imago dei and second in juxtaposition to each other. You can offer them the following definitions:

Masculinity is the essence of manhood that reflects a man’s imago dei through a disposition to responsibly embrace his God-given roles to fulfill the creation mandate (Gen. 1:26–28). This generally includes pursuing and assuming the role of spiritual leadership, serving as provider and protector as a husband and a father. Men also ought to have a disposition to fulfill the Great Commission (Matt. 28:16–20), which assumes they will also embrace the responsibility of spiritual leadership in

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.