The New Testament reveals how women served Jesus, the church, and the Great Commission. This is relevant for at least three reasons: first, the role of women in the church is often depicted as an exception, not an expectation. Second, to focus exclusively on the eldership, which is limited to men, distracts from the otherwise diverse and rewarding ministries that both genders engage in. Third, it’s possible the church asks too little of our Spirit-filled sisters given their plentiful gifts and vitally essential partnership in the gospel.

To that end, here are seven ways we can encourage women to use their spiritual and material resources.

1. As Generous Patrons

For centuries, wealthy people have sponsored artists so they can focus on their masterpiece instead of trying to pay the bills. In Luke 8:1–3, we learn that Jesus and the disciples had patrons, and they were often wealthy women. Luke tells us Joanna and Susanna were among “many others” who “provided for them out of their means” (Luke 8:3).

Similarly, Paul’s ministry was financed by women (Romans 16:2). A deaconess named Phoebe is identified as Paul’s “patron” (ESV), or “benefactor” (NIV), a term that literally means defender or protector. She also

To the full-length post originally published on this site.