Today’s Kindle deals include two classics as well as one newer work that, though I’ve not read it, is said to be excellent.

Why Was Baby Jesus Laid in a Manger?

“This time of year, the words roll right off the tongue. And every child’s first question is: What is a manger? When the teacher explains that it is a feeding trough for animals, the astute youth then wonders: Why was the baby laid there?” The question is well worth asking.

Ten Ways Materialism Brings Us to Ruin

“Materialism begins with our beliefs. Not merely what we say we believe—not our doctrinal statement—but the philosophy of life by which we actually live. So even though true Christians would deny belief in the philosophical underpinnings of materialism (they couldn’t be Christians if they didn’t), they may nonetheless be preoccupied with material things. Materialism is first and foremost a matter of the heart.”

The Moral Universe of Timothy Keller

Here’s a long and interesting article on Tim Keller from The Atlantic.

Carving Out a Niche for Micro-Congregations

This just seems like such a bad idea. Isn’t the point of church that it draws together people who are different, thus proving the

To the full-length post originally published on this site.