A Four-Part Series

Let Earth Receive Her King!

Worldview can be an intimidating topic to discuss, let alone teach to your children. Isaac Watts has done the church a huge favor in putting a biblical worldview in the form of a song—the Christmas Carol, “Joy to the World.” In this post and in 3 upcoming posts we will look at each of the hymn’s four verses and see how they combine to offer a compelling worldview that brings honor to God. By singing and believing this carol you have the basics for teaching a biblical worldview to your family!

Isaac Watts’ Christmas carol is one of the most beloved of all the Christmas hymns. The words (at least the first verse), are known throughout the world. This hymn is a call to joy. But what is there to be joyful about?

For Watts, the joy is based upon the Advent of Jesus Christ. The King of Creation was born as a baby, to live a life that would accomplish the rescue of lost souls. The only fitting response is joyful submission to the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Apart from the rule of Christ, man is hopelessly lost,

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.