Not one of them would have ever qualified to be Miss Israel.
Tamar, the woman who seduced her father-in-law,
Rahab, the harlot,
Ruth, the outsider,
Bathsheba, the adulteress,
and, Mary, the unmarried and pregnant.
Yet, there they are—one and all—family members of Jesus.
Let’s be honest. We all have skeletons in our family tree, but we give them closets. We don’t give them starring roles in a bestseller. Not God. God hangs them right up there for all to see.
Me? Well, I have been known, at times, to be a little more selective about the family tree. Consider the time I met my youngest daughter at the door—presentation and speech prepared. (Okay, so maybe this is about another type of family tree, but stick with me here.)
She loves surprises, and she definitely loves gifts. In her usual carefree way, she was thrilled.
“For me? For my room?” The girl who loved Christmas beamed, her eyes glowing more brightly than the
To the full-length post originally published on this site.