Sharing your joy with others

In the last two blog posts in this series, we have had the opportunity to learn about and meditate on the gift of joy that God gave to us. We have seen that joy is an attitude more than a feeling and we can experience it no matter what is going on in our lives. We have looked at how we can experience this joy to its fullest extent by walking in the Spirit, abiding in Christ, and focusing on God’s love and promises. Finally, we will wrap up our study of joy by thinking about how we can share this precious gift with everyone around us this holiday season and into the new year. If you have read all three posts and are still with me, I want to say how much I appreciate you joining me on this journey to joy!

Share your joy in your blessings.

When you are on the mountain top and things just could not get any better, share that joy with every one around you. A joyful person can lift even the darkest mood in a room. You can make a difference by using that energy to encourage

To the full-length post originally published on this site.