Far As the Curse Is Found

“Joy to the World” is a Christmas carol that proclaims a biblical view of the world. This is the third post on Isaac Watts’ famous hymn which is based on Psalm 98. The lyrics of this hymn reflect a worldview that brings honor to God in all that we do. The first part of this worldview has to do with the joyful anticipation of Christ’s rule. The second part encourages us to delight in the ongoing reign of our Savior. This third element of the worldview acknowledges that there is much wrong with the world. Here is the third verse:

No more let sins and sorrows grow,

Nor thorns infest the ground;

He comes to make His blessings flow

Far as the curse is found…

There is trouble on Planet Earth. Read the newsfeeds, listen to the news alerts. The sexual revolution has led to sexual revulsion! Just as it was with our first parents God’s truth is exchanged daily for lies, despicable lies.  Sin has been woven into the fabric of life. All the earth has been ravaged by Adam’s lack of faith. There is nowhere that the curse on our planet is

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.