Spending meaningful time alone with God is one of the most important aspects of the Christian life, but it is also one of the most difficult to sustain. Failure in this area, real or perceived, is common and is guilt inducing for most Christians. We give many different reasons for our struggle: it bores us, it discourages us, it’s work, we’re busy with the things we really have to do, and so on. But I suspect the vast majority of our problem boils down to some version of a simple truth: it doesn’t always feel good.

So, I’d like to recommend a few out-of-the-box ways to re-spark a struggling devotional life, but in light of what I’ve just said above, let me make two things crystal clear at the outset. First, my goal in encouraging devotions isn’t to help you feel good. It’s wonderful when you come away from time with God uplifted, encouraged, and re-energized. But in itself, how you feel about it isn’t the point. (Which is good, because my own devotional time this morning was the emotional equivalent of drinking soda that’s been sitting out all night.) Second, your hope can never be pinned on a specific

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.