Author: Andrea Lee

Scrupulosity and One Distortion of Sanctification

The suffering involved with scrupulosity is a heart-wrenching experience to witness. It’s an issue that takes time to untangle. But God has given us powerful ways to address the distortions that fuel the scrupulous cycle of anxiety. By the power of the Spirit, our counselees can identify the ways they are clinging to distortions about God or themselves and begin resting in His grace. Continue Reading →

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Heartbreaking Deception: Teen Girls, Social Media, and Body Image

While there are many factors at play in body image struggles for teens, social media tends to tip the struggle from distressing to devastating. Social media sways us with its addictive images, endless novelty, and excitement. Influencers and advertisers are unwittingly like the “confidence men” of yesteryear: smoothly speeding us along an agenda we don’t fully see. Continue Reading →

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