Author: mdbe413

How to make the next decade photo-worthy

Meticulous planning went into our New Year’s Eve celebration of 1999-2000. For those too young to remember, this was the infamous Y2K—cue The Twilight Zone theme. Life, as we knew it, may not continue. The predictions poured in: networks would crash, technology be irrevocably altered, power grids go ominously dark, and clean water hard to […]

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How to make the next decade photo-worthy

Meticulous planning went into our New Year’s Eve celebration of 1999-2000. For those too young to remember, this was the infamous Y2K—cue The Twilight Zone theme. Life, as we knew it, may not continue. The predictions poured in: networks would crash, technology be irrevocably altered, power grids go ominously dark, and clean water hard to […]

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My gift in His hands

No matter that it was the best I could do—the gift was cheap and I was ashamed. Still, years later, like the ghost of Christmas past, I hear that dollar store find whispering my name.  You see, as the post-Christmas “am I coming or going?” week closes and the winds of January enter, I feel […]

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My gift in His hands

And so, the post-Christmas week closes of “am I coming or going?” and January enters. Once again, I feel the unspoken need to put dreams to paper for the year ahead.  As if it is all up to me.  But I’ve been here before. I’ve learned a thing or two about what must precede my […]

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Elementor #783

Not one of them would have ever qualified to be Miss Israel.    Tamar, the woman who seduced her father-in-law,        Rahab, the harlot,              Ruth, the outsider,                Bathsheba, the adulteress,                   and, Mary, the unmarried and pregnant. Yet, there they are—one and all—family members of […]

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