Author: Lucas Sabatier Leite

When the Counseling Conversation Stalls

In biblical counseling, the Word is ministered in conversations. The interaction between counselor and counselee allows for specific applications of biblical teachings. The counselor can learn the particularities of the counselee’s struggles and then provide biblical wisdom that is especially relevant to that situation. But what happens when the conversation stalls? What can counselors do when answers of “I don’t know” dominate the dialogue? And what strategies can we embrace when we, counselors, don’t know what to say? Continue Reading →

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The Sick Heart in the Waiting Room

The wise counselor is, in a sense, a realist. He knows from Scripture that we live between the ages. And so, he helps the counselee to see how his desires and expectations point to our deeper longing for eternal pleasures that are found only in God (Ps. 16:11). Not only that, the faithful counselor points to Christ—crucified, raised, ascended, and given to and in us by the Spirit—our hope of glory. Continue Reading →

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