Author: Dave Almack

Sin, Soil, and Sufficiency

In moments of despair, we may wonder if exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit is even possible for us or those we counsel. Fortunately, Jesus knows our hearts and spoke to these issues directly in the parable of the sower. In doing so, He provided helpful categories to consider as we wrestle with the causes of sin, suffering, and sorrow. He also points us to a gospel-centered way forward. Continue Reading →

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Grounded in Gospel Gratitude

You have met this person before. You know the one. When you see them coming across the church foyer, you are tempted to turn and walk the other way. For some strange reason, they seem to live under a cloud of gloom and doom. No situation is too small for a complaint, and nothing is ever going their way.  It is not that they can’t see the glass half full; they don’t see anything in the glass at all, and they want to make sure you know. They are the grumpy Christian.  Continue Reading →

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Words that Transform

Our written words may not be a part of the canon of Scripture, but they can be life transforming. Anyone who has read David Powlison, Ed Welch, or Paul Tripp knows the enduring impact of the gift of good writing. As you consider what God may want you to share with others, here are some practical tips to improve your writing. Continue Reading →

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Choosing Celebration

The call came as I was eating funnel cake and enjoying a walk on the boardwalk with my brother and his family. With stress in her voice, my wife told me that my son was in the hospital and being prepped for surgery. Prepped for surgery? I knew that he’d been having some stomach pain but hadn’t expected that he would need surgery. Certainly not so quickly. Continue Reading →

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