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You’re probably too busy to read this.

You probably have 5 other browser tabs currently open, a lineup of articles bookmarked for later, and a growing stack of books you’ll read “one day”.

You probably have a to-do list of all the other tasks you should be doing right now.

And that’s precisely why you should read this article.

How Many Books Should Leaders Read?

You likely opened this article because, as a leader, you already know how important reading is; you already know how essential continued learning is for staying sharp and effective.

As Albert Mohler, president of SBTS, says:

There is no substitute for effective learning when it comes to developing and maintaining the intelligence necessary to lead.

Your brain is a powerful tool that must be sharpened and stewarded, otherwise, it will waste away.

And while you’re well aware

To the full-length post originally published on this site.