It is the conversation every father of daughters anticipates having at one time or another—the conversation with the young man who has expressed interest in securing her hand in marriage and who now seeks dad’s permission. Apart from those few men who have been blessed with many daughters, most of us have just one or two opportunities and, therefore, relatively little experience with this conversation.

Before it was my time to have it, I sought the counsel of friends to consider questions I ought to ask and matters I ought to discuss. And I thought I would share what I learned in case it proves helpful to others as well. Of course not every question will be relevant to every couple, but at least some of them are likely to be. So here are several questions a father may want to consider asking the man who seeks the hand of his daughter.

Questions to Ask

Why do you want to marry my daughter and nobody else?

What makes you think you are ready to be a husband?

Would your parents, pastor, and mentors agree that you are ready

To the full-length post originally published on this site.