Today’s Kindle deals include a kind of eclectic mix with some solid books in there.

Logos users will want to download the free book of the month—and consider some of the nearly-free books of the month.

Decade in Review: Marital Norms Erode

Ryan T. Anderson and Robert P. George teamed up for an opinion piece at USA Today. “Law shapes culture; culture shapes beliefs; beliefs shape action. The law now effectively teaches that mothers and fathers are replaceable, that marriage is simply about consenting adult relationships, of whatever formation the parties happen to prefer. This undermines the truth that children deserve a mother and a father — one of each.”

Weighed in the World’s Scales

William Godfrey explains why it’s important that a pastor has an impeccable reputation even in the eyes of unbelievers. “Outsiders form their opinions of the church based on what they see in its leaders. They watch us on the sidelines of our children’s sporting events, eating out at restaurants, interacting on social media, and working alongside them, all the while observing how we live out the faith we profess. Do outsiders see the inner wisdom of a Christian’s enlightened heart shining out in

To the full-length post originally published on this site.