“Have I ever told you about my friend who only eats vegetables?”


“Oh, so you’ve never heard of herbivore?!”

I love a good dad joke. And most other kinds of jokes, too. I believe that humor is a gift given to man by God as an expression of our Maker’s innate creativity. Jokes are what we create when we play with words and ideas until they make us laugh and fill our hearts with the medicine of joy (Prov. 17:22).

Anyone who knows me knows that I like to cut up (sometimes too much). But you would never know that I’m such a jokester from my Sunday morning preaching. Why? Because I turn my natural (and sometimes sinful) humor knob way down every Sunday morning before stepping into the pulpit. I don’t do this because I think that jokes are unholy or sinful, but because they seem out of place when you think about what we are striving for in corporate worship.

The author of Hebrews notes the tone we should be striking in our corporate gatherings. Read this verse carefully: “Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.