“Sanctity of Human Life Sunday” is January 19, 2020. In light of this, I thought I’d share a few articles.

Praying for Abortionists and Those in the Abortion Industry Makes an Eternal Difference – “I wonder what would happen if people showed up in droves to simply stand and pray outside all the abortion clinics in America. Just the sheer numbers alone would save lives because light shines brightly in the darkness.”

Abortion’s Guilt – “In Christ, we are not the sum of our past choices, but we are made beautiful and new by the work of the Spirit within us. Yes, there is grace enough for you.”

7 of the Most Important Abortion Stories of the Decade – From 2010 to 2019, abortion continued to be one of the most divisive issues in America. Here are seven of the most important events related to abortion over the last decade.

Healing from the Trauma of Abortion – “Acknowledging the trauma of abortion and embracing the process of healing doesn’t mean we have to spend our lives as wounded women. But we also don’t have to pretend the scars don’t exist.”

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