God does not distribute his gifts equally among all his children. Rather, to some he gives much and to others he gives little. Some are given great opportunities while others are given minimal opportunities, and some are given massive wealth while others are given paltry wealth or even straight-out poverty. Some have towering intellects while others are well below average, and some are able to receive a world-class education while others are able to receive no education at all. God, in his sovereignty, determines all of this.

The God who distributes his gifts unequally evaluates us fairly. He evaluates us on the basis of what he has given to us, not what he has given to another. To the one who has been given much, God expects much while to the one who has been given less, God expects less. The one whom God has created to be simple-minded is not expected to write great works or preach great sermons. The one who has been given little wealth is not expected to fund great institutions or support great missionary ventures. Rather, we are each to be faithful with what God has given to us so

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.