Rock of Ages: The Quadruple Cure
In the classic hymn, Rock of Ages, we sing:
Be of sin the double cure,
Save from wrath and make me pure.
In reality, salvation provides the quadruple cure!
Justification: “Not Guilty! Forgiven!” Reconciliation: “Welcome Home, Son, Daughter!” Regeneration: “Saint!” “New Creation in Christ!” Redemption: “Victor!” “More Than Conqueror!” So Great a Salvation
Imagine the vilest offender. As cruel as Hitler, depraved as Manson, corrupt as Jack the Ripper. Desperately wicked. Self-deceived. Anti-social. Amoral. Mr. Mass Murderer. The day his trial begins, every major news network, Internet outlet, online and traditional magazine, and newspaper around the world join the coverage with instant updates and constant tweets.
Justification: Our New Pardon—The Judge Declares Us, “Not Guilty! Forgiven!”
Shocking every reporter, spectator, member of the jury, and even his own legal team, Mr. Mass Murderer pleads guilty. Begs forgiveness. Asks for mercy.
Imagine the worldwide outrage as the judge responds, “Not guilty!”
“What a charade! Fool! He just said he was guilty. What is wrong with you? Have you gone mad? Retrial! Ethics probe! He must pay for his crimes.”
“His crimes have been paid for,” the judge retorts. “By my son. I have
To the full-length post originally published on this site.