Dr. Bob “Doc” Smith, passed away this week. Because he was a humble man, many do not know him. Yet, he was one of the early leaders in the emerging biblical counseling movement in the 1970s.

From Left to Right: Doc Smith, Dr. Jay Adams, Pastor Bill Goode

Dr. Steve Viars, Sr. Pastor at Faith Church in Lafayette, Indiana, where Doc Smith served, shared this testimonial on Facebook.

“Mourning the loss, but celebrating the homegoing of Dr. Bob ‘Doc’ Smith. The Lord used Doc and his long-time friend and co-laborer Dr. Bill Goode to establish Faith Biblical Counseling Ministry in 1977. He was a leader in the biblical counseling movement and his faithful wife Leona, who preceded Doc in death, served by his side for over 60 years. Doc loved the Lord and His Word and was both joyful and fearless in his defense of the ‘faith that was once and for all delivered unto the saints.’ Faith Church as a congregation, and I as a pastor, owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to the Lord for

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.