Today’s Kindle deals include one book for women, a couple of books for men, and an especially good one for writers. I’ll probably add a few more deals in the morning.
(Yesterday on the blog: How To Obtain a Plenary Indulgence in 2025)
Did David Rape Bathsheba?: A Close Reading of the Relevant Texts
There has been lots of discussion over the past few years about whether David raped Bathsheba or whether she willingly participated in adultery. Alastair Roberts makes a close reading of the relevant texts to look for an answer. “My interests are those of a hearer of Scripture, concerned that our ability to listen attentively to the text not be overwhelmed or undermined by concerns of our immediate contexts. I am persuaded that, when we listen to the Scriptures closely and on their own terms, we will understand them much more deeply and, in turn, their voice can speak much more distinctly into our contexts.”
Why Don’t We Read the Bible More? 3 Common Misunderstandings
This is an interesting take on why we don’t read the Bible more than we do. “That we should read the Bible is rarely questioned. Why we
To the full-length post originally published on this site.