The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you today.
Westminster Books has a deal on a neat new book for kids. And some other books for kids.
Shane Rosenthal looks at the conclusions of a recent study and bridges from there to a defense of the historical accuracy of the gospels.
The Class of 2003: An Interview with Tim Challies, Justin Taylor, and Jared Wilson
Ten years ago Joe Carter interviewed Jared Wilson, Justin Taylor, and me about blogging. Now, ten years later, he has done so again. We consider blogs as they were then and are now. And I guess we will check in again in 2033!
Join Brooks Buster @ TRC23 Speaking on “Gospel Clarity For The Sake of The Nations”
Missionaries today not only need to know the gospel message, but also, just as importantly, how to communicate that message across language and culture to those still in darkness. This will be a session that will look at those two challenges and how churches can help prepare their sent ones for the task of missions among unreached language groups. (Sponsored Link)
Are we really meant
To the full-length post originally published on this site.