Speaking Publicly About Biblical Counseling Issues 

If you’ve read my blog since May 2024, then you know that from time to time I have responded to posts by Heath Lambert, Sean Perron, and others where they accused fellow biblical counselors of being “zombie-infected neo-integrationists.” I collated some of my public responses here: What Makes Someone a Faithful Biblical Counselor?

If you’ve read my posts, then you also know that I have encouraged all parties in these discussions to consider meeting together face-to-face in a moderated setting: A Proposal: A Biblical Counseling Conciliation Summit.

If you’ve read my blog, you also know that my focus is on a positive presentation of changing lives with Christ’s changeless truth. That’s why, for instance, over the past few years I’ve collated 100 Free Resources for Counseling the Whole Person: Soul Physicians of Embodied-Souls.

Why Speak Publicly About Public Issues? 

Recently, a fellow biblical counselor privately reached out to me asking why I publicly post about controversial issues in the biblical counseling movement. Fair question. Today’s post seeks to provide a fair answer.

My approach over the past year is nothing new. If you’ve read my blog over the past quarter century, or if you’re

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.