Today’s Kindle deals include some solid books, highlighted by Kelly Needham’s new one Friendish. Also be sure to consider The God Who Is There by D.A. Carson.

Logos users will want to check out the free and discounted books of the month.

(Yesterday on the blog: Three Great Modern Hymns for your Easter Services!)

When the Word of God Is Not Preached

Christine Farenhorst tells the fascinating (and mostly forgotten) tale of Joanna Southcott. “Joanna’s followers were marked by peculiarity of dress, which resembled that of Quakers, the men sporting long beards. With thousands of adherents, among whom were some clergy, Joanna also began making and selling printed seals which supposedly guaranteed the buyer entry into paradise after the Apocalypse.”

It’s Like in the Great Stories, Mr. Frodo

This is a neat and apt reflection. “We were watching The Two Towers last night, and I cried. I don’t think crying in that movie is uncommon, especially for my fellow women, but last night was different. I didn’t cry for Frodo and Sam, I cried for myself. My tears were for this real world, not for Middle-Earth.”


I love being a dad to my girls. The same is true of Micah

To the full-length post originally published on this site.