Good morning from Budapest, Hungary. I made half the journey from Austria to Romania yesterday and will complete it today. I look forward to speaking at a youth event in Zalău tonight and throughout the weekend. If you are there, be sure to say hello!

Westminster Books has a deal on a new translation of Calvin’s excellent On the Christian Life. You will find there is a reason that it has stood the test of time.

Yes, there are indeed some new Kindle deals today. And some good ones, too.

Lose the Gospel, Return to Childishness

Carl Trueman: “Ours is a childish age. … That is not to say that the matters at stake in both church and world are not deeply serious. But the idioms for addressing them have become infantile, and the church must resist the temptation to follow the world in this. To seek relevance therefore requires not capitulation to, or emulation of, the infantile, but rather a recapturing of what it means to be an adult. The church must bear witness to a grown-up faith.”

The Kingdom Didn’t Come For Daughters Like Me

This is a

To the full-length post originally published on this site.