5 top Christian blog posts of the week. This week we highlight top posts related to Black History Month. Find posts by John Piper, Mark Vroegop, Eric Redmond, and more; on racial reconciliation, racial unity, Black preaching, and more.

John Piper on Racial Unity and the Hope of Glory

This is both a podcast of a message and a transcript of that message by John Piper on Racial Unity and the Hope of Glory.

8 Unique Books on Racial Reconciliation 

While this blog was not posted this week, it is timely. Pastor Mark notes:

“Over the last few years, I’ve tried to expand my understanding of the issues and arguments surrounding racial reconciliation. I made a concerted effort to listen to the voices of people who offer differing levels of critique and solutions for helping the church move forward in ethnic harmony. Some authors are more nuanced. Others are more pointed. Some books are better at identifying the problems and barriers. Others are better at charting a way to a better future. As I’ve tried to help people in our church navigate the complicated and emotional waters of this topic, I found it important to recommend a book that

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.