There was a day in the way-past that doctors made house-calls when friends came to visit the sick or grieved or lonely, and when pastors visited the homes of his flock regularly. But those days are way past! However, technology has partially filled that gap, and in some very good ways!

Our family and friends stay connected via Facebook, FaceTime, Zoom or Marco Polo to let us in on events that bring people together from far and wide. Our computers organize our lives and our work meetings are via Zoom. But there is a downside! It’s easy to never leave home. For some, home is the only safe place with no real face-to-face connections. Anxiety overwhelms at the thought of going out!

Technology can bring people together or push them apart! Isolation can become debilitating when we allow it to interfere with real, live relationships. However, online video counseling has been able to meet a need in one segment of the population that would be left to struggle alone were it not for online counseling! Some live where there is no face-to-face biblical counseling, but they really need guidance and someone to help them process a struggle they face. Also,

To the full-length post originally published on this site.