There are particular truths and distinctions that make a biblical counseling worldview unique from all the other systems of counseling in the world.

In a previous post, we set out to provide a definition for biblical counseling. This lesson tries to answer the question: What makes biblical counseling unique and distinct from all the other systems of counseling in the world?

In one sense these worldview or paradigm distinctives compose a kind of creed, a statement of belief about biblical counseling. Of course, any number of other elements could be included, but we will focus on ten statements that, from one point of view, should never be removed from our message.

The Glory of God

The glory of God is “the Reason” for all things of creation. The glory of God is the ultimate answer to “Why?”

The display of God’s glory in Creation, in Redemption, in Marriage, in Family, in Suffering, in Food…

Everything created has been created to display and give glory to our Creator. For example, marriage exists, not firstly for man, but for God. Marriage does not primarily exist to meet human needs, but to project God’s glory, to be a visible picture

To the full-length post originally published on this site.