Category: Association of Biblical Counselors

Applying Two Richly Practical Biblical Counseling Words: Parakaleo and Noutheteo

My Latest Book!  My latest book is now available via the Association of Biblical Counselors. Parakaleo and Noutheteo: Understanding and Applying Two Richly Practical Biblical Counseling Words.   Counsel the Word  This is the first book/booklet in a series of books call Biblical Word Studies for Biblical Counselors. These words studies are not “heady academic […]

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Recovering Hope Jeremy Lelek

Post-traumatic stress disorder, a profoundly intense response to profoundly dangerous experiences, manifests itself in fear, terrifying vulnerability, and lack of a sense of control. While these responses are often involuntary, Jeremy Lelek reminds us that they are still responses . . . and, thus, different responses are possible. Here he relates the narrative of creation, fall, and redemption to the experiences of PTSD, reminding us that the gospel speaks to our experiences with danger as part of its redemptive message. He points to the wisdom of God in our suffering and reminds us of the saving grace offered by Jesus, guiding readers to the peace and contentment found in seeking God’s glory.

Sample Chapter: /sites/default/files/files/Sample chapter(1).pdf

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Shepherds Please Think, “Protect Well.” Please Stop Saying, “Suffer Well.”

A Twitter Question Yesterday, on Twitter, domestic abuse biblical counselor, Chris Moles, asked: “What was it that woke you up to the prevalence of #DomesticAbuse ? An experience? A resource?” I hesitated to respond with my experience—feeling false shame even half-a-century later. But then, for the first time, even as a sixty-two-year-old author-pastor-counselor, I put […]

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7 Biblical Truths Countering the False Gospel of “Emotional Health & Wealth”

First, “The False Health & Wealth Gospel”  The vast majority of Evangelicals reject the “health and wealth gospel.” This is the false gospel that claims that if you obey God, then He will bless you with physical health and material wealth. This false gospel makes God like a Genie in a bottle who grants us […]

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How The Mercy of God Flourishes in Suffering

Reality, to a large degree, is constructed subjectively through the processes of the mind.  ”Facts” are perceived, variables of that perception shape an interpretation, and these interpretations ultimately serve to shape a person’s experiential reality.  By no means does this diminish the fact that objective, absolute truth exists, but it is important to recognize that this process of perception, interpretation, and conclusion has a significant impact on the way people experience life.  Understanding this can have a profound impact on helping people walk through difficult seasons of suffering.

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