A Word from Bob: You’re reading Part 2 of a 10-part blog series on 10 Common Mistakes Biblical Counselors Sometimes Make. For Part 1, see: Mistake #1: We Elevate Data Collection Above Soul Connection. (Part 1 also contains further background, explanation, and “motivation” for this series.)

Mistake #2: We Share God’s Eternal Story Before We Listen Well and Wisely to Our Friend’s Earthly Story

In Part 1, we noted the importance of listening.

“He who answers before listening—that is his folly and his shame” (Proverbs 18:13).

“Everyone should be quick to listen and slow to speak” (James 1:19).

I’ve found that many of us use an abbreviated listening method that I call:

Listen & Pounce!

The Shallow “Concordance Approach” to the Bible and Biblical Counseling 

Oh, we listen all right, but we’re basically listening for key words that we think give us permission to interrupt our counselee and interject our “wisdom” before we’ve truly heard the other person.

A wife might be ten minutes into sharing her story in counseling when she slips out the word “fear.” Something internally nudges at our mind and we think:

“She said ‘fear.’ I know a verse for fear!”

And we proceed to

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.