The Big Idea 

In today’s post, we learn 3 central questions we need to address in order to richly answer the question, “Who am I as a biblical counselor?”

A Fun, Popular Post 

Yesterday, I posted, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Biblical Counseling. It was a fun post to write.

According to Google analytics and to social media interactions, it was a popular post to read. Talking about our biblical counseling DNA and historical lineage is fun. It’s an “easy” way to self-identify the influences on my approach to biblical counseling.

There’s More to Our Biblical Counseling Identity 

Please consider today’s post something of an addendum to yesterday’s post. I want to expand on how we identify our approach to biblical counseling.

If you ask me, “Who is Bob Kellemen?” I’m not likely to only answer with,

“I’m primarily Romanian on my father’s side and primarily English-Irish on my mother’s side.”

Unless I’m at a meeting of a genealogy society, that’s not the primary way we tend to think about our identity. It’s a fun way. It’s one way. But it really doesn’t get at, “Who am I?”

Instead, it gets at, “What is my ancestry/lineage/DNA/biological/genealogical history?”

Likewise, when someone

To the full-length post originally published on this site.