A Word from Bob: You’re reading Part 3 of a 10-part blog series on 10 Common Mistakes Biblical Counselors Sometimes Make. For Part 1, see: Mistake #1: We Elevate Data Collection Above Soul Connection. (Part 1 also contains further background, explanation, and “motivation” for this series.) For Part 2, see: Mistake #2: We Share God’s Eternal Story Before We Listen Well and Wisely to Our Friend’s Earthly Story.

Mistake #3: We Talk at Counselees Rather Than Exploring Scripture with Counselees

As I supervise biblical counselors, I notice a common pattern: their actual practice of counseling is sometimes more like biblical teaching than it is biblical counseling. Yes, teaching is a component of counseling. But, no, counseling is not identical to teaching.

Many times, the bulk of our equipping in counseling comes via lecture. No matter how many times the lecturer says, “Though I’m lecturing right now, please don’t think that counseling = lecturing,” the students still perceive a one-to-one correlation between lecturing and counseling.

Counseling, or the personal ministry of the Word, is different from preaching/teaching, or the pulpit ministry of the Word. While the pulpit ministry of the Word is powerful and absolutely essential in our Christian lives,

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.